CloudCannon Documentation

Available on the Open Source plans.

Give your apps launched with your unique domain name.

To add a custom domain:

Purchase a domain

from a domain registrar (e.g. iwantmyname)

Configure your domain

Configuration instructions are shown after adding a domain. There are two choices:

  • Route53 DNS (recommended)
  • VirtEngine DNS (coming soon)

Route53 DNS

To configure your domain with VirtEngine:

  1. Ensure you are using Route53 DNS, otherwise click here
  2. Go to your domain registrar’s DNS Server Settings or Nameservers
  3. Type the nameservers Route53 DNS in domain registrar’s DNS Server Settings or Nameservers
  4. Save the changes

Configure API - gateway

Go to

$ cd /var/lib/detio

Configure /var/lib/detio/virtenginegateway/gateway.conf

## organization/domain registered
org    = "virtengine"
domain = ""

Configure Omni scheduler - VirtEngine

Configure /var/lib/detio/vertice/vertice.conf

  ### [dns]
  ### Controls how the dns endpoints are configured.
  ### The default dns supported is Route53.

    enabled = true
    access_key = "aws_access_key"
    secret_key = "aws_secret_key"

Restart virtenginegateway and virtengine.